In the near future, we will be providing an opportunity to bless all our IFCA Impact ministries. But for now, please allow us to highlight one in particular.

If you’re at all familiar with our Summer Bible Camp ministry, you know well the financial integrity of our leadership team and the great effort given to keep costs down. But as you know, our current economy isn’t helping the cause. Along with this, we are continually striving to improve and deliver excellence in this important ministry.

In order to bring in high-quality speakers, adapt to camp location changes, hire life guards, run criminal background checks on our staff, keep up with rising food costs, and all the other factors we must take into consideration - you can imagine the impact these things have on our operational costs.

So, while 100% of our camp staff are volunteer workers, and the camper registration fees covers the operational costs of our camp, we wanted to extend an opportunity to be a part of our Summer Bible Camp ministry in a way that impacts hundreds of young people, their families, and their churches. 

Your giving allows us to both help keep costs down as well as consider new opportunities to expand what we do. Any giving in excess of this year’s camp costs will be applied toward next year’s camp. And if you have creative ideas for how you’d like to get involved, email us anytime. Thank you, and may God bless as you make an eternal impact in our young people!

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